General Information
The following guidelines are provided to help you plan your PLAZA Exhibit within the event’s requirements. The requirements are determined as to be as lag friendly as possible and also keeping in tune with the overall atmosphere of PLAZA that we want to achieve. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.
Policies, Guidelines and Disclaimers
By registering to become an exhibitor you agree to abide by all rules and guidelines set forth in the Linden Lab Terms of Service and the PLAZA Policies (This document). You also agree that you have read, fully understand and accept all policies, guidelines and disclaimers governing the event.
Registration is open to builders of homes, decor, garden and landscaping products, rezzable pose props, and artists, as well as to building schools, and purveyors of merchant and creator tools used in the design of the aforementioned items. Registration fees are due at the time of registration acceptance.
PLAZA reserves the right to deny any application without explanation. The registrant will be notified should an application be denied. Once an application is accepted, registration fees are non-refundable; no exceptions are made.
Similarly, access to the the PLAZA regions during the Press Preview and Soft Opening Day (9th March) and the main event, is at the discretion of PLAZA, and may be denied to any resident without explanation.
General Policies
Exhibitors’ presence at PLAZA is at the sole discretion of the organizers, and products and displays (or portions thereof) may be returned if they are suspected of breaching any of the guidelines governing the event, and all registration fees will be forfeit.
Exhibitors and staff are responsible for their conduct and the conduct of their representatives at the event. Abusive, lewd, hateful, or other inappropriate conduct will result in their ejection from the event, and all registration fees and privileges will be forfeit.
Content Policies
All items distributed (sold or freely given) by exhibitors must be their own original creations, or creations compiled with components for which they have legally obtained licenses for commercial use or are in the public domain, and must in no way breach the intellectual property rights of their original creators.
Exhibitors retain all intellectual property rights associated with their original creations, unless otherwise assigned through licenses or limited licenses.
Exhibitors grant PLAZA a limited license to use any logos and product ads provided to promote their participation of the event in Second Life and on third-party websites, such as, but not limited to in-world shopping guides and promotional materials, event sign boards, PLAZA related blogs and other online sites and services.
Exhibitors agree that the PLAZA regions will be open to photographers and machinima producers, and that photography and filming will not only be allowed, but also encouraged during the entire event, beginning with the Press Preview day.
All content displayed at PLAZA must adhere to moderate audiences. Absolutely no nudity or other adult content may be depicted in pictures or demonstration models. Adult versions of rezzable content may be sold in the exhibitors’ own vendors, provided they clearly state that the items are adult in nature.
Display Policies
Exhibitors will gain access to the PLAZA regions and will have at least four (4) days to set up. Display footprints will be provided in exhibitor kits. We strongly encourage pre-building displays at your home/store locations, using the footprints provided.
All walkways, welcome areas, parks, common areas, and general signage are provided by PLAZA staff.
All exhibitor areas are assigned in accordance with registration, payment and acceptance. Assignments and location particulars are at the discretion of the coordinator. Reasonable requests will be entertained, but may not be viable due to extenuating circumstances and/or previous assignments or requests and no guarantees are made.
We encourage all exhibitors to exercise caution and care with the use of scripts in their displays and on their avatars. A low-lag event is in everyone’s best interest. We ask that you use discretion, and turn off scripts, particles and sounds where possible.
Capservend users need to make sure they are using the event script or your vendors will not work. Need help setting that up see the page Caspervend Event Vendor Scripts.
Overhanging items may be returned to their owners without notice. Moreover, PLAZA is meant to be a friendly and open space — displays should reflect this.
Displays must be complete by the assigned set up date and time. Press Preview day is arranged to give you the best possible publicity, and is not a set-up day.
- All display items must be wholly contained within the the confines of the display footprint.
- PLAZA is a friendly and open event, and privacy screens are forbidden.
- Fences and decorative walls should be used sparingly, and should not exceed three (3) meters in height. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the staff if these items are sold at Plaza. Parcel surrounds of all kinds are explicitly not allowed, even if they are invisible from one side, as this will obscure the view for other exhibitors and visitors.
- Land impact limits must be strictly observed.
- No displays may exceed 20 meters in height, measured from the region’s water level. Exceptions may be made for castles, trees, spires, and other slender, decorative attachments and for prefab builders and landscapers. To keep the landscape open, please try to limit height near paths to 10 meters or less. Exceptions are at the discretion of the coordinators, and should be applied for well in advance of set-up.
- Platforms and displays in the sky will be limited to skyboxes only, and arrangements must be made with staff in advance of set-up. All display items in the sky must be wholly contained within the the confines of the display footprint.
- No greeters, automatic group inviters, automatic landmark offers, traffic counters, or other listening and/or sensor devices are permitted.
- No holo-vendors or temp rezzers are permitted.
- Floating text (hovertext) must be turned off.
- Animals must be in posed mode at all times. Roaming/animated animals will be returned without further notice.
- No floating or falsely elevated store signs, particle shows, poofers, fireworks or light shows designed to attract attention from afar or which interfere with other displays are permitted.
- PLAZA is a showcase event, and you will benefit from displaying your actual products. Though not encouraged, multi-item vendors will be allowed within reason. Automatic product rotation must be turned off.
- Events like PLAZA have high traffic, which may cause lag. If you use networked vendors, we suggest that you use the event versions of your vendor system (if available) to avoid failed deliveries. Casper Vendors without event scripts will not work on the PLAZA regions.